Teaching Physics to First-Year Undergrads
As a first and second-year grad student, I taught different lab courses and recitations, including two semesters of introductory physics lab for pre-meds (PHYS 1291 and 1292), recitations for introductory mechanics for engineers (PHYS 1401) and recitations for introductory electromagnetism for pre-meds (PHYS 1202). I taught the latter in the Spring of 2020, so I had to teach part of it online during the COVID-19 pandemic; Columbia did not collect student reviews for classes that semester. In my first year, I was also tasked with staffing the physics lab library and help room, which are resources for students who need to prepare for upcoming lab sessions and to ask questions about any introductory physics classes respectively. Additionaly, I graded hundreds of introductory physics exams in my first year.PHYS1291 REVIEWS PHYS1292 REVIEWS PHYS1401 REVIEWS

SU(5): Graduate Peer Mentorship
I'm a co-founding organizer of SU(5), a free peer mentoring program to support physics and astronomy incoming grad students. First years are matched in groups of 4 incoming students from different universities across the US based on their background and needs. Each group is assigned a “mentor” who is an older grad student that will attend their first meeting and then follow up with their group biweekly to check in with first-years and make sure that they meet online among themselves. Each biweekly meeting will be about a specific topic, from personal issues like settling in a new place and making friends to academic concerns such as quals, classes, and research. It is a good opportunity to make connections, find people struggling through the same things, and brainstorm solutions for problems with people in other institutions who don’t have any stakes in your own department.SU(5) WEBSITE BLOG POST

The Physics of Insterstellar
In the Spring of 2015, I taught a class about the physics behind the movie "Interstellar" with my friend Carolyn Zhang for Splash at Yale. Splash is a program that brings hundreds of local middle and high school students to Yale's campus to take classes taught by Yale students on literally anything they are passionate about.VIEW SLIDES CLASS DESCRIPTION

Portuguese Tutoring
From my sophomore to my senior year in college, I tutored Portuguese to several students through the Yale Center for Language Study tutoring program as one of my student jobs. My tutees were in different levels (from beginner to advanced), and each one of them required a specific plan of study to achieve progress.YALE CLS WEBSITE

In my senior year of college, I mentored a student in a New Haven magnet high school on a thermodynamic project for the New Haven Science Fair. In the months leading to the fair, I met the student roughly once a week in person at their school and communicated over email with them. They went on to get second place and an award for science communication at the event.READ ABOUT IT

Yale International Peer Liaison
As a junior, I served as a Peer Liaison to the Yale Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS). Peer Liaisons (PLs) are selected paid upper-level students who help connect first-years to resources and programming based in different Yale cultural centers throughout the entire year. In the capacity of OISS's PL, I integrated a team of 7 students who organized events and met with first-years (one-on-one and in groups) regularly, helping them navigate academic and personal difficulties of transitioning to college and moving to a different country.PL PROGRAM WEBSITE